FREE 2024 | DISCOVER Your Uniqueness Masterclass

Discover your UNIQUE God- Branded Personality

Ever wonder HOW God has divinely wired you to brilliantly SHINE with His GLORY?!💎

What do people such as Tina, Adele, Joyce, even Cher have in common?

They each KNOW their unique STRENGTH and it's now their BRAND!

It sets them apart from the others in their arena.

Are you ready and willing to discover YOUR unique branding?

  • Learn how those strengths can propel you to the next level
  • Break through your hidden roadblocks
  • Includes a customized 6-page DISC Personality Assessment
  • Includes a private 30-minute Assessment recap debriefing.
  • Learn NEW team-building and relational interpersonal bridge-building keys
  • Discover how to better connect with your client/ audience/ customer.
  • How to Increase Your Marketplace Worth
  • And Much More!

[A $297 Market Value/ Per Person]

Choose your date Monday August 5th, 2024 or Friday August 9th, 2024.

What People Are Saying:

In a FUN, encouraging, and action-packed environment I received a detailed personal roadmap. I learned to improve my communication and connection style with others for next-level SUCCESS! So glad I did this!

Sarah P, NYC

What an eye-opener! Now it makes sense WHY I act, respond and am attracted to certain activities. I can't wait to put my GEM Personality keys into practice. Thank You!

Linda S, New Mexico

I'm so glad I made time to complete this fun yet informative Personality Assessment. Wow, the "spot-on" results blew me away:>). I enjoyed the debrief chat with Coach Michele as it helped me assemble the pieces to see where AND how God has "pre-wired" me for success! I'm telling my girlfriends to do this.

Temeka J, WDC


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