February is known as the month of celebrating...LOVE!
Based on one's season of life and present circumstances it can be a bitter or a sweet time if one is influenced by the media.
Yet, the good news is with a healthy perspective you can learn three vital aspects of Love (Matt 22:36-40):
I assure you by applying these three steps---your cup will overflow BEYOND the month of February!
This can actually become a LIFESTYLE---The Way of Love!
A great leader once shared--- "You put on the Love of God with the renewed mind in manifestation and there's nothing you'll have to ask God for, it'll be there. It'll be there. You'll never have to ask. It'll always be there."
Right now, I encourage you to stand up, shake off the day...then gently yet tightly wrap your arms around yourself.
Let's start with steps one and two...
Quiet yourself down, close your eyes and receive God's Love on your life and in your life...Let Him affirm you, Let Him Comfort you, Let Him Strengthen you...Aaaaahhhhh
Shake off the doubts, shake off the worry, shake off the negative self-talk, shake off the fear.
Next, when you're ready, we move to step two...
Give yourself a BIG bear hug and say---" God Loves me, so I Love myself too!"
Squeeze yourself as firmly as you can ---it can be around your waist or around your shoulders---until you feel nice and secure.
Let the oxytocin flow throughout your body [natural chemicals that make us feel relaxed] until you feel that natural sense of well-being.
Unlike the month of or simply one day in February...you can choose to receive God's Love and Love on yourself, the other 364 days of the year!
God's supply is endless, it NEVER runs dry.
Be honest---take a personal inventory of your status with each step. Which of the three steps are you lacking--- 1, 2, 3 or a combination?
Once you determine your status, make a conscious choice to REFUEL with God today!
So now that you are filled up, it's time to go POUR out His Love on someone else!
Just look around you---we KNOW someone NEEDS a hug today.
Will you be the one to start the wave?
Here's to you embracing Valentine's Lifestyle!... It's Time To SHINE!
Your Get UNSTUCK Encourager