The Secret Connection Between Your Choice And Goals

clarity goals peace Dec 27, 2023

My choices today support my goals for tomorrow.

Each day is a reminder that I am one step closer to my goals. Keeping that in mind helps me to stay on track with the choices I make. I am responsible and mature enough to make strategic life decisions.

The focus that goal achievement requires rarely daunts me. When I think of my future success, I get excited about the prospect of getting there. I commit to what is important.

It is easy to avoid over indulgence when I know I have financial goals. I remind myself that taking care of the important things now is paramount. I am saving indulgence until I am able to celebrate achieving my objectives.

The relationships I form today determine the kind of future support structure I have at my disposal. I am careful with my choice of friends. I want them around for a long time.

When I am at a crossroads, I avoid making a choice based on my emotion of the moment. I realize how easy it is to be reactive when choosing by feelings. Instead, my...

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Unspoken Reasons You're Still Waiting to Get Started on Your Dreams

dream gameplan goals May 27, 2023

Do you tell yourself that you’ll get started on your big plans at some future date? You can start a business after the kids graduate from college? Or, maybe you’ll just wait until Memorial Day to begin your exercise program. We’ve all done it. There always seems to be a good reason not to get started right here and now.

Are you sure you know the real reason you’re waiting? If you’re waiting to begin pursuing your dreams, you’re likely just procrastinating!

Consider these excuses. Is one of them yours?

  1. You’re waiting for the perfect time. Are you waiting for the stars to align and the heavens to tap you on the shoulder and give you permission? You’ll be waiting for a long time. The time will never be perfect to get started on something significant, so just get started.

  2. You’re waiting for something else to happen first. Maybe you’re waiting for the kids to move out or for the mortgage to be paid off. Or you’re...
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