The Secret Power of...POTENTIAL!


The final days of Summer can yield irregular weather patterns within minutes from sunny calm beach walks to storm raging waves along the shore.

The ocean speaks volumes to me while on vacation. I find early morning walks to be a time of quiet reflection, the mental release of the prior day, and emotional rejuvenation for the upcoming day.

Unlike prior mornings, today's walk encountered high tides and blustery winds from an oncoming storm.  

Today, the waves dipped and dived with the residue of the last eastern Hurricane. The night before the sea was calm with soft glassy sheen and today, she displayed her POTENTIAL!

What is your potential?

Its definitions include:

1/ possible but not yet achieved:

Someone’s potential is an ability the person has not yet developed.

2/ possible when the necessary conditions exist:

A number of potential buyers have expressed interest in...

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